This course will change your writing journey
This mentorship will change your content game forever. You will stop making the mistakes that are leading you to earn less, and burn more.
Learn the secret of earning more money by burning yourself much less.
Mukti will teach you from her personal experience of how she does regular client handling, regular good writing and gets awarded or listed on digital platforms.
Learn to kill burn-outs, and make the most of your time!
1] Enhance Client Experience: Give your clients a content creation experience that they keep coming back to you.
2] Enhance your professional branding: Think beyond content writing. Learn how you can become a sought-out brand yourself.
3] Increase your income: Not just for the time being but for a long-term period.
4] Learn better productivity: Learn how to enjoy your work, and find time for recreation, while avoiding burn-outs.
Things you will learn from this course
Your Branding
In content writing, branding equals success in income and more work.
Your writing quality
If you find yourself in need If you have tried everything to improve your writing quality and nothing has helped, you have come at the right place.
Your earning ability
Mukti will take you into a step-by-step process of approaching and filtering the right kind of clients who will pay well.
Your authority
Did you know that your authority comes from authoring somehthing - a blook, a blog or podcast? Mukti will help you build a strong authority as a writer.
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